Building Groups are a way of grouping your Buildings.  For example, Building Groups can be used to organize Buildings by type, location, or any other classification that best suits your needs.  They are a way of creating new filters for your data.

Note: It is possible for a Building to belong to multiple Building Groups.

Tip: Building Groups can be helpful for organizing your Asset service history reports based on a specific set of Buildings.  For example, you could create a Building Group that splits up your residential and commercial Buildings.  Or, you can create a Building Group based on the district/zone of your Buildings.

How to access the Building Group page

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There are 2 ways of accessing the Building Groups page.

via the Buildings page:

  1. From anywhere, click the Buildings tab.
  2. Click the View Building Groups button.

via any page:

  1. From anywhere, hover over the Manage tab.  Click Building Groups.

How to create a Building Group

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  1. Click Add New Building Group.

  2. Enter a Name for your Building Group.

  3. Leave the Sharing Level drop-down to its default setting of Private.

  4. Click Save.

How to edit a Building Group

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BuiltSpace allows you to add/remove Buildings from Building Groups, as well as change the names of Building Groups.

  1. Click the pencil icon to the right of the Building Group that you wish to edit. This will open a box called Edit Building Group.  The left column is a portfolio containing all of the Buildings in your Org.  The right column is your Building Group.  Please refer to the screenshot below for instructions 2-4.
  2. To add Buildings to your Building Group, simply drag and drop a Building from the left column to the right one.
  3. To remove a Building from your Building Group, click Remove.

  4. To change the name of a Building Group, click the pencil icon.  This will open a box allowing you to change the Name and Sharing Level.  Click Save when done.