The Dispatch Board allows you to view your Organization's Events. Each Event is assigned to a User (left column) and shows up as a coloured time-slot. There are many ways to categorize and view Events on the Dispatch Board. This guide will provide you with all of the information you need to get the most out of this tool.
To access the Dispatch Board, hover over Apps and click Dispatch Board.
How do I change the dates displayed on the Dispatch Board?
How do I change the label on an Event?
How do I colour-code Events?
What is the Work Stack?
How do I edit an event from the Dispatch Board?
How do I view an Work Order from the Dispatch Board?
How do I change the date range displayed on the Dispatch Board?
The Dispatch Board will initially show Events from the current week. To change which week is displayed, click Previous Week or Next Week (1). If you would like to see Events outside of this date range, click the Calendar icon (2) and choose the desired date.
By default, the Dispatch Board only displays business days (Mon-Fri). If you would like to include weekends, click Show Weekend (3).
How do I change the text label of Events on the Dispatch Board?
You can set an Event on the Dispatch Board to Building Name, WO Number or Category. To change this label, please follow these steps:
- Click Options (located at the top right of the Dispatch Board).
- Hover over Grid labels until a menu appears.
- Click the option you wish to set as your display label text.
How do I colour-code Events?
The Events on your Dispatch Board are colour-coded based on Category or Status. To change this setting, please follow these steps:
- Click Options (located at the top right of the Dispatch Board).
- Hover over Grid colours until a menu appears.
Click on your desired option.
To view and/or customize the colour legend, follow these steps:
Click Options (located at the top right of the Dispatch Board).
Hover over Work Stack groups until a menu appears.
Click Category or WO Status, depending on which colour legend you wish to view.
Below the Dispatch Board, you will see the Work Stack. This will show you what each color on the Dispatch Board is assigned to.
To set your own custom colours, click on the pencil icon beside each category and choose a colour from the colour palette.
What is the Work Stack?
The Work Stack will display all Work Orders that are not "Billed" or "Closed". Work Orders can be grouped according to their attributes. Below are instructions on how to customize the grouping of Work Orders.
Click Options (located at the top right of the Dispatch Board).
Hover over Work Stack groups until a menu appears.
Click on your desired option. Under Work Stack, you will see your Work Orders grouped according to your selection.
How do I edit an Event from the Dispatch Board?
Tip: You can change an Event's time slot simply by dragging-and-dropping that Event to a new time slot on the Dispatch Board.
From the Dispatch Board, hover over the Event you wish to modify.
When a small box appears, click Edit Event. This will allow you to change the Title, Location, Start Time, End Time and Category of your Event.
Click Save when you are done making changes.
How do I view a Work Order from the Dispatch Board?
From the Dispatch Board, hover over the Work Order you wish to view.
When a small box appears, click View WO. This will bring you to the Work Order Dispatch Form.
To edit and/or add Events, click Scheduling & Dispatch.
- You can edit the Date, Start Time, End Time and Assigned To fields of each Event. To delete an Event, click the Delete Event followed by the Confirm Delete buttons.
Click Save when you are done making changes.