There are 3 ways to add attachments to assets:

Adding attachments via Desktop

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  1. From anywhere, click Assets.

  2. Click the Edit icon under the Edit column of the desired Asset.

  3. A popup will apear. Scroll down the popup until you see the Attachments heading.

  4. Click Add attachment to the right of the Attachments heading.

  5. Click Choose File when the window appears.

  6. Choose the file you want to upload from your computer.

  7. Click Open when the file is selected.

  8. Click Upload.  The page will automatically refresh and your file will appear to the left of the Attachments heading.

  9. Click Save when done.

Adding attachments via Mobile Link

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  1. Open the BuiltSpace website through your device's mobile browser and login if prompted. (

  2. Enter the following information:
    Tip: If the asset information is already in BuiltSpace, you can skip to step 4.
    1. Select Building: Select a building.
    2. All Floors: Select a floor.
    3. Select a Space: Select a new space.
    4. Select An Asset (Optional): Select an existing asset.
  3. Click Send.

  4. Click the green arrow under the Log Out button located in the asset’s home page.


  5. Click Edit (scroll down to see the button).

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Add Attachment.

  7. Click Browse.

  8. Select a file from your device.

  9. Click Upload when done.

Adding attachments via Photo Tool

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Note: You must complete Part 1 and Part 2 of this section to upload and add attachments to Assets via the Photo Tool.

Part 1 - Uploading attachments:

  1. Click Buildings.

  2. Click View Details on the Building where the Asset is found.

  3. From the Building Details page, click Documents on the left side of the page (located under the building image).

  4. Click the Add New drop-down menu.

  5. Click Choose File when a new window pops up.

  6. Select a file and click open.

  7. Click OK when done. You can access your attachments in the Photo Tool page after the page automatically refreshes.  The Photo Tool page is located in the same section as Documents

Part 2 - Assigning attachments to Assets:

Note: You must upload any documents or pictures to the document library first before they appear here.

  1. Hover over the Browse tab near the top of the page and click Buildings when the drop-down appears.

  2. Click View Details for the building you want to select.

  3. Click Photo Tool on the left side of the page (located under the building image).

  4. You should be able to see a list of uploaded documents. You can filter what type of files you want to see using the drop-down.  All Documents is selected by default but you can change this to show Photos only, for example.

  5. Under each document you will see an Asset drop-down.  Select which asset the document belongs to.  Below are some important points to consider:

    • If the asset doesn’t exist, you can also type it in manually and the rest of the information in the appropriate boxes.
    • If the space doesn’t exist, you can also type this in and it will create automatically.  You must follow the following format: [Floor] – [Space Name].  The dash between the Floors name and the Space name is very important, otherwise it will fail to create the space.
    • You will notice that the Space field is automatically updated once we select an asset.
    • If you want to see additional information about the asset, simply click on the Asset Detail button marked with three dots.
    • The blue plus (+) button will allow you to add additional spaces to that asset.
    • An asset can have multiple pictures attached to it.  If you select Profile Image, that image will become the default image for that asset.
  6.  Click the green check mark to save when done.