1Open the BuiltSpace Inspections App on your mobile device and sign in.

2Click All Work Items.

Note: If you work in multiple BuiltSpace Organizations, select the correct organization from the Org drop-down menu.

3All available jobs are displayed here.

1 - Filter icon: Click on it to add a filter. This will help you find the correct work item.
2 - Job Status: 
In Progress
3 - Priority
4 - More information

Note: Click "Available" to refresh the page.

4To start a job, click ">".

Note: For extra information, click  .

Note II: Job Status will automatically change to In Progress once you've started a Job.

Select an Asset (you can do so by using the Asset dropdown, or scanning the Asset's QR code) .

Complete the appropriate Checklist.

Click Submit.

Note: The asset will be removed from the list once you submit the Inspection.

Repeat step 5 for all the Assets listed.

Once all Assets are inspected, click OK to go to All Work page.

Set the job status of the job/work item. (You will be prompted to do so).