This tutorial will guide you through the process of completing work that has not been dispatched to you in the BuiltSpace Inspections App.

Click here to view a flowchart covering how to complete a job through the Inspections App or take the following steps:

1Open the BuiltSpace Inspections App on your mobile device and sign in.

2Click Explore.

Note: If you work in multiple BuiltSpace Organizations, select the correct organization from the Org drop-down menu.

Select the Building from the drop-down menu.

Click Start Visit.

Select an Asset Group, enter a Job Number and select a Work Category.

Note: Choose All Assets if unknown and leave job number field blank unless instructed otherwise.
Note: Work Category field can be left blank.

Select a Space, an Asset and the correct Checklist. Alternatively, you can use the QR code scanner to select the Space or Asset.

Answer all of the Questions.

Optional (If enabled by office):
Enter Hours: If tracking hours is required.
Enter Materials: If any tools/materials have been used.

Click Submit.

Repeat step 5 and 6 for all the assets in the asset drop down menu.